Thursday, June 24, 2010

Amnesty or Deportation?

I see people all over the US talk about amnesty for illegal immigrants. Some are for it, some are against it. If you are keeping up with the news, you know most people want to boycott Arizona because of the new law their state recently passed.

I think all 50 states should adapt this law.

I believe amnesty for illegal immigrants is a horrible idea. You can call me a racist and go right ahead. When the terrorists attack and destroy your families, friends, and your way of life, you can still call me a racist. I will blame you and those like you for your failure in doing what was right for homeland security. You can live with the guilt of not helping to protect America and why thousands or millions are dead.

See most people look at this as a racial issue. I think it goes on beyond that. I look at it from a homeland security issue. So, Mexicans, get over yourselves. It’s not just about you vs. America. It’s about protecting America and her way of life from terrorism. If you break the law, you pay the consequences. So, if anyone, I repeat anyone, is here illegally they should not be given a free pass. If we don’t know where the illegal immigrants are how do we keep track of terrorists in America?

The following scenario is something that comes into my mind every time I hear people talk about border security, amnesty, and/or the Arizona immigration law.

I’ve seen several figures online that puts America’s illegal immigrant population in a range anywhere from 10 million to 20 million. So I’m going to average that and estimate roughly 15 million illegal immigrants in the US.

Imagine if .5% of those 15 million are Muslim? That’s less than one percent or 75,000 illegal Muslims in the US. Now imagine if just 5% of those illegal Muslims are extremist Muslim terrorists. That’s 3,750 extreme Muslim terrorists in the US that aren’t documented or you wanted to give amnesty too. Still with me? Good, I’m not done.

Do you know if you are born in the US you are automatically a legal resident regardless if your parents are legal or not?

This is where my scenario gets interesting. Let’s take that 3,750 number and figure half of them have 3 kids each. Now we have 1,875 x 3 = 5,625. Let’s say 2/3 of them are raised to be terrorists. That would be? You guessed it: 3,751 or 3,752 (if you want to round up). So in about the next 15 – 25 years we’d have 3,750 terrorists that are legal US citizens (plus what we might already have).

If you recall the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, they didn’t attack again until 2001. 8 years between attacks. Terrorists are patient, so 15 – 25 years from now it’s reasonable to think a major terrorist attack will occur, if not sooner.

Now, let’s re-visit those numbers, 3,750 terrorists. I’d divide them up in the 50 states evenly which puts about 75 in each state. We could probably make some plans to put 100 in CA, NY, FL, TX and only 25 in AK, MO, ND, SD. But I’m going to keep it at 75 just to illustrate a point.

Imagine 2 to 3 working in the top 10 to 20 restaurants in each state. The rest are working in the packing companies. Now, imagine the code word is give through a video tape or text and all the workers put ricin or anthrax in the salt shakers at the restaurants. Can you imagine that?

Can you imagine sitting in Hollywood and everyone gets Anthrax then takes it home and spreads it through the city.

All the panic, all the sickness, spread throughout America at the same time. The economy would go to hell because people would be either dead, sick, quarantine, or to scared to eat at a restaurant. This would be a lot easier than trying to blow up an airplane or a major building.

Remember I also said packing companies? What I really meant was the companies that produce those “to go” salt packages. The ones you grab at fast food restaurants, truck stops, baseball games, etc. Think about several thousand of those filled with ricin, anthrax, or some other bacterial disease placed in thousands of public places.

Now, this scenario was just one example of what can happen if we don’t get control of the illegal population. While we bicker, debate, argue, etc., about whether Arizona should be boycotted or not, there are terrorists plotting to kill American citizens.

So, do you want to continue worrying about racial profiling or do you want to protect America from a catastrophic terrorist attack? Do you want to worry about when you go into a restaurant if the salt is “tainted” or if a cop in Arizona asks someone to prove they’re a citizen? Do you want to let illegal immigrants undocumented in the US or sent back to their home countries?

We are here to make a life better for our children and their children. How are we going to explain to them we didn’t do enough to protect America because we were preoccupied with being politically correct and didn’t want to offend anyone? If your feelings are hurt because we send you back for not being legal, stop victimizing yourself.

These issues we face today are more than about race, it’s about protecting America. Put that first and stop giving in to the politically correct jackasses in the world.

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